My Story
On August 4th 2011, my Scentsy journey began. I hosted a catalog party for my friend because I wanted the adorable cupcake warmer for my daughter. I did so well with my party, she offered me the Scentsy opportunity and I graciously accepted!
My life has been changed drastically because I chose Scentsy.I believe my gift is instilling courage in others. I will be your biggest cheerleader and I will be dedicated to your success. I want all my team members and friends to look at me and say "Because of you I didn't give up! You gave me confidence and changed my life." These things mean so much more than any paycheck could. .
I am eternally thankful for the blessings Scentsy has given me and my family. I am so grateful to Heidi and Orville for swinging for the fence and taking a chance on all of us and loving and caring for us so well! Being here just feels so right and I know it's my destiny to be a part of this amazing ride and make it mine.
If you are interested in starting your own Scentsy business and joining my successful team-please message or give me a call! I would love to help you get setup for your road toward success with this amazing company!!!
Chase Fryar- 405-659-5064